Most of us are volunteers and work fi sabili Allah without any remuneration. Please be patient if you do not receive an immediate answer to your questions. We will be at your disposal to accompany you on your installation as far as possible. However, we ask you to:
Get a Privilege contact through our Chat on and by email.
Introduce yourself:
Your Mosque ID.
First and Last name
Your role in the organization/institution
Your Mosque Name
Your account email (The email that you use to log in into the back-office)
Write a short and explicit message.
If possible, attach a photo or video of the malfunction.
Before contacting us, please ensure you went through our Installation Manual as most of the installation instructions are already answered there.
Don't forget to visit our YouTube channel here:
Please consider that the Mawaqit team does not answer any phone calls, so please do not attempt to contact any numbers displayed on our site. We make every effort to be available and at your disposal.